【PaaS】 heroku git

$ heroku login
heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit: 

Opening browser to https://cli-auth.heroku.com/auth/cli/browser/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Logging in... done
Logged in as (herokuログインEmailアドレス)


laradock $ docker-compose exec workspace php artisan key:generate --show


laradock $ heroku config:set APP_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxx -a (herokuのアプリ登録名)

 ›   Warning: heroku update available from 7.35.0 to 7.41.1.
Setting APP_KEY and restarting ⬢ (herokuのアプリ登録名)... done, v6
APP_KEY: base64:xxxxxxxxxxx

laradock $ cd ../laravel

laravel $ touch Procfile

laravel $ vim Procfile
laravel $ heroku git:remote -a (herokuのアプリ登録名)

 ›   Warning: heroku update available from 7.35.0 to 7.41.1.
set git remote heroku to https://git.heroku.com/(herokuのアプリ登録名).git


laravel $ git push heroku master

Counting objects: 10216, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (7039/7039), done.
Writing objects: 100% (10216/10216), 12.30 MiB | 2.30 MiB/s, done.
Total 10216 (delta 3121), reused 9366 (delta 2627)

remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
remote:  !     Warning: Multiple default buildpacks reported the ability to handle this app. The first buildpack in the list below will be used.
remote:             Detected buildpacks: PHP,Node.js
remote:             See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks#buildpack-detect-order
remote: -----> PHP app detected
remote: -----> Bootstrapping...
remote: -----> Installing platform packages...
remote:        - php (7.4.5)
remote:        - ext-mbstring (bundled with php)
remote:        - apache (2.4.43)
remote:        - nginx (1.18.0)
remote: -----> Installing dependencies...
remote:        Composer version 1.10.5 2020-04-10 11:44:22
remote:  !     WARNING: Composer vendor dir found in project!
remote:  !     
remote:  !     Your Git repository contains Composer's 'vendor' directory.
remote:  !     
remote:  !     This directory should not be under version control; only your
remote:  !     'composer.json' and 'composer.lock' files need to be added, as
remote:  !     Composer will handle installation of dependencies on deploy.
remote:  !     
remote:  !     To suppress this notice, first remove the folder from the index
remote:  !     by running 'git rm -r --cached vendor/'.
remote:  !     Next, edit your project's '.gitignore' file and add the folder
remote:  !     '/vendor/' to the list, then commit the changes.
remote:  !     
remote:  !     For more info, refer to the Composer FAQ: http://bit.ly/1rlCSZU
remote:        Loading composer repositories with package information
remote:        Installing dependencies from lock file
remote:        Package operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 39 removals
remote:          - Removing webmozart/assert (1.8.0)
remote:          - Removing theseer/tokenizer (1.1.3)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/version (2.0.1)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/type (1.1.3)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/resource-operations (2.0.1)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/recursion-context (3.0.0)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/object-reflector (1.1.1)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/object-enumerator (3.0.3)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/global-state (3.0.0)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/exporter (3.1.2)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/environment (4.2.3)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/diff (3.0.2)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/comparator (3.0.2)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup (1.0.1)
remote:          - Removing scrivo/highlight.php (v9.18.1.1)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/phpunit (8.5.4)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/php-token-stream (3.1.1)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/php-timer (2.1.2)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/php-text-template (1.2.1)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/php-file-iterator (2.0.2)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/php-code-coverage (7.0.10)
remote:          - Removing phpspec/prophecy (v1.10.3)
remote:          - Removing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.1.0)
remote:          - Removing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.1.0)
remote:          - Removing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.1.0)
remote:          - Removing phar-io/version (2.0.1)
remote:          - Removing phar-io/manifest (1.0.3)
remote:          - Removing nunomaduro/collision (v3.0.1)
remote:          - Removing myclabs/deep-copy (1.9.5)
remote:          - Removing mockery/mockery (1.4.0)
remote:          - Removing jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter (v0.4)
remote:          - Removing jakub-onderka/php-console-color (v0.2)
remote:          - Removing hamcrest/hamcrest-php (v2.0.0)
remote:          - Removing fzaninotto/faker (v1.9.1)
remote:          - Removing filp/whoops (2.7.2)
remote:          - Removing facade/ignition-contracts (1.0.0)
remote:          - Removing facade/ignition (1.16.1)
remote:          - Removing facade/flare-client-php (1.3.2)
remote:          - Removing doctrine/instantiator (1.3.0)
remote:        Generating optimized autoload files
remote:        > Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
remote:        > @php artisan package:discover --ansi
remote:        Discovered Package: fideloper/proxy
remote:        Discovered Package: laravel/tinker
remote:        Discovered Package: nesbot/carbon
remote:        Package manifest generated successfully.
remote: -----> Preparing runtime environment...
remote:        NOTICE: No Procfile, using 'web: heroku-php-apache2'.
remote: -----> Checking for additional extensions to install...
remote: -----> Discovering process types
remote:        Procfile declares types -> web
remote: -----> Compressing...
remote:        Done: 19.6M
remote: -----> Launching...
remote:        Released v7
remote:        https://(登録アプリ名).herokuapp.com/ deployed to Heroku
remote: Verifying deploy... done.
To https://git.heroku.com/(登録アプリ名).git
 * [new branch]      master -> master


$ git commit -m "Procfileのコミット忘れ"
[master b3f57a4] Procfileのコミット忘れ
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 Procfile

$ git push heroku master

Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 374 bytes | 374.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
remote: -----> PHP app detected
remote: -----> Bootstrapping...
remote: -----> Installing platform packages...
remote:        - php (7.4.5)
remote:        - ext-mbstring (bundled with php)
remote:        - apache (2.4.43)
remote:        - nginx (1.18.0)
remote: -----> Installing dependencies...
remote:        Composer version 1.10.5 2020-04-10 11:44:22
remote:  !     WARNING: Composer vendor dir found in project!
remote:  !     
remote:  !     Your Git repository contains Composer's 'vendor' directory.
remote:  !     
remote:  !     This directory should not be under version control; only your
remote:  !     'composer.json' and 'composer.lock' files need to be added, as
remote:  !     Composer will handle installation of dependencies on deploy.
remote:  !     
remote:  !     To suppress this notice, first remove the folder from the index
remote:  !     by running 'git rm -r --cached vendor/'.
remote:  !     Next, edit your project's '.gitignore' file and add the folder
remote:  !     '/vendor/' to the list, then commit the changes.
remote:  !     
remote:  !     For more info, refer to the Composer FAQ: http://bit.ly/1rlCSZU
remote:        Loading composer repositories with package information
remote:        Installing dependencies from lock file
remote:        Package operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 39 removals
remote:          - Removing webmozart/assert (1.8.0)
remote:          - Removing theseer/tokenizer (1.1.3)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/version (2.0.1)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/type (1.1.3)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/resource-operations (2.0.1)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/recursion-context (3.0.0)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/object-reflector (1.1.1)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/object-enumerator (3.0.3)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/global-state (3.0.0)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/exporter (3.1.2)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/environment (4.2.3)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/diff (3.0.2)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/comparator (3.0.2)
remote:          - Removing sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup (1.0.1)
remote:          - Removing scrivo/highlight.php (v9.18.1.1)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/phpunit (8.5.4)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/php-token-stream (3.1.1)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/php-timer (2.1.2)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/php-text-template (1.2.1)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/php-file-iterator (2.0.2)
remote:          - Removing phpunit/php-code-coverage (7.0.10)
remote:          - Removing phpspec/prophecy (v1.10.3)
remote:          - Removing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.1.0)
remote:          - Removing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.1.0)
remote:          - Removing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.1.0)
remote:          - Removing phar-io/version (2.0.1)
remote:          - Removing phar-io/manifest (1.0.3)
remote:          - Removing nunomaduro/collision (v3.0.1)
remote:          - Removing myclabs/deep-copy (1.9.5)
remote:          - Removing mockery/mockery (1.4.0)
remote:          - Removing jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter (v0.4)
remote:          - Removing jakub-onderka/php-console-color (v0.2)
remote:          - Removing hamcrest/hamcrest-php (v2.0.0)
remote:          - Removing fzaninotto/faker (v1.9.1)
remote:          - Removing filp/whoops (2.7.2)
remote:          - Removing facade/ignition-contracts (1.0.0)
remote:          - Removing facade/ignition (1.16.1)
remote:          - Removing facade/flare-client-php (1.3.2)
remote:          - Removing doctrine/instantiator (1.3.0)
remote:        Generating optimized autoload files
remote:        > Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
remote:        > @php artisan package:discover --ansi
remote:        Discovered Package: fideloper/proxy
remote:        Discovered Package: laravel/tinker
remote:        Discovered Package: nesbot/carbon
remote:        Package manifest generated successfully.
remote: -----> Preparing runtime environment...
remote: -----> Checking for additional extensions to install...
remote: -----> Discovering process types
remote:        Procfile declares types -> web
remote: -----> Compressing...
remote:        Done: 19.5M
remote: -----> Launching...
remote:        Released v8
remote:        https://(登録アプリ名).herokuapp.com/ deployed to Heroku
remote: Verifying deploy... done.
To https://git.heroku.com/(登録アプリ名).git
   4c4b38e..b3f57a4  master -> master
